Weight Lifting Tips For Female Beginners

Are you a beginner female weightlifter? Congrats on taking the first step towards a stronger, healthier you! If you're feeling a bit intimidated by the weight room or unsure of where to start, don't worry - we've got you covered. In this article, we'll share some weight lifting tips for beginners, including how to weight lift for weight loss and the benefits of women's weightlifting for physical and mental health.



Woman Holding DumbbellsSource: Getty Images


Ladies: Why Should You Start Weight Lifting?


First things first - why should women lift weights? For starters, weight lifting (as well as other types of exercise) can have a profound impact on your mental health.


A study observed the effects of exercise on rates of depression by asking a group of participants to attend exercise classes for ten weeks. The researchers found that the intervention group experienced a 30 percent decline in depression.


Weight lifting can be an effective tool for weight loss. Building muscle mass increases your metabolism, which means you burn more calories even when you're at rest.


One study found that participants who did weight lifting saw a nine percent increase in their basal metabolic rate after a 24-week clinical trial. The scientific reason behind this is that muscle is more metabolically active. Muscle uses more energy at rest than fat does. Plus, when you combine more muscle with less fat, you become metabolically efficient.


So if you're looking to shed some pounds, incorporating weight lifting into your fitness routine can be a game-changer.


But weight lifting isn't just about aesthetics. It also has numerous health benefits, including improved bone density, better posture, and reduced risk of injury. Plus, lifting weights can help you feel more confident and empowered, which is always a good thing.


So, now that you know why you should lift weights, let's dive into some tips for female beginners.

Woman Barbell SquattingS
ource: Getty Images


Tip #1: Start with the basics - Light weights and proper form


If you're new to weight lifting, don't try to tackle complex movements right off the bat. Start with basic compound exercises like squats, lunges, and overhead presses, to build a foundation of strength and technique. Focus on mastering these movements before moving on to more advanced exercises.


Proper form is crucial for both safety and effectiveness. Begin with light weights and focus on perfecting your form before progressing to heavier weights. This will help prevent injury and ensure that you're targeting the correct muscle groups.


Tip #2: Don't be afraid to lift heavy


Many women shy away from heavy weights because they fear they'll bulk up or look too masculine. But this is huge misconception, click here to read our post debunking this!  In summary, lifting heavy weights won't make you look bulky - it'll make you look strong and toned.


In fact, the heavier you lift, the more calories you’ll burn. So in actuality, you’ll be left with a sculpted, lean physique.


Doing heavy compound exercises, such as squats and deadlifts, work multiple muscle groups at once and are highly effective for building strength and muscle mass. They also stimulate the release of growth hormone, which can further enhance muscle strength.


Tip #3: Deadlift like a boss


Here at Muscle Mommy, one of our favorite exercises is a good old deadlift. The deadlift is one of the most effective exercises for building total-body strength. Deadlifts for women is one of the best ways to work on your strength while also building lean muscle mass in the glutes to enhance an hourglass body.


To perform a deadlift, start with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing forward. Bend your knees and hinge at the hips to lower down and grip the bar with an overhand grip. Drive through your heels to lift the bar up, keeping your chest up and your back straight. Lower the bar back down to the ground with control. Deadlifts can be intimidating, so don't be afraid to ask a trainer for help with your form.


Tip #4: Gradually increase weight and intensity


As you become more comfortable with weight lifting, gradually increase the weight and intensity of your workouts. This will help prevent plateaus and ensure that you continue to see progress. This is known as progressive overload. Many women who are weight lifitng beginners forget to increase the size of their weights, so plateau early on.


Tip #5: Take rest days


Rest days are just as important as workout days. Your muscles need time to recover and rebuild after a tough weight lifting session. Make sure you're taking at least one rest day per week to give your body the time it needs to recover and come back stronger. Adequate sleep and proper nutrition are also crucial for optimal recovery, so aim for 8 hours of sleep and plenty of food during your rest days.


Tip #6: Consider getting professional help


Source: Getty Images


Let’s be real for a moment: it can be intimidating and overwhelming for women to start weightlifting as a beginner. That’s why getting professional help can give you a good headstart.


A personal trainer can help ensure that you're using the proper form, provide personalized guidance and support, and create a customized workout plan that's tailored to your goals and abilities.


Working with a personal trainer can also help prevent injury and ensure that you're progressing at a safe and appropriate pace. A trainer can also provide valuable feedback and motivation, helping you stay accountable and on track toward your fitness goals.


If hiring a personal trainer isn't feasible for you, consider joining a weightlifting class or finding a workout buddy who can provide support and accountability. Don't be afraid to reach out for help - getting guidance from a professional or supportive community can make all the difference in your weightlifting journey.


Join the Muscle Mommy online women’s weightlifting community by clicking here.


In conclusion, weightlifting is a fantastic tool for women to build strength, lose fat, and boost their confidence. By starting with the basics, not being afraid to lift heavy, and taking rest days, you'll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals. So grab some weights and get lifting - you've got this!



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Emilina is a highly skilled copywriting specialist with a focus on health and fitness. Her impressive track record includes collaborating with industry giants such as Nike, Gold's Gym, and the NFL, among others. Her expertise in crafting compelling and effective copy has earned her a reputation as a go-to professional in the field.



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