Here’s What You Can Learn From the Top CrossFit Women

“I’m a workhorse. One hundred percent thoroughbred, baby. That’s what Stacie Tovar, one of CrossFit's most longstanding athletes, a seven-time individual CrossFit Games veteran, said when asked about how she succeeds in CrossFit.


For women in fitness, female CrossFit athletes are extremely inspiring. There are so many lessons you can learn, simply by observing CrossFit ladies - advice that can help you in and out of the gym. That’s why the team here at Muscle Mommy have done a deep dive into all the best CrossFit women to give you some nuggets of wisdom that you can implement in your own fitness journey. Let’s get started.

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What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness program that combines elements of weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardiovascular exercise. It is designed to increase overall fitness and athletic performance by focusing on functional movements that mimic everyday activities. CrossFit workouts are typically short and intense, and they can be customized to suit any fitness level.


That sounds like many other workout programs, right? The difference with CrossFit is its focus on community and self-progression. The CrossFit community has captured the heart of many athletes, including many women. CrossFit offers an opportunity for women (whether new to exercise or not) to thrive in an intense workout culture where previously they may have been excluded.


CrossFit has taken the world by storm, and women have been at the forefront of this revolution. From the inception of CrossFit in 2000, women have been actively involved in the sport, and over the years, they have dominated the field, setting new records and raising the bar for female fitness enthusiasts worldwide.


So which ladies have spearheaded this revolution, and what can we learn from them?


1. Annie Thorisdottir
“Somewhere behind the athlete you’ve become and the hours of practice and the coaches who have pushed you is a little girl who fell in love with the game and never looked back… Play for her.” - Annie Thorisdottir, two-time CrossFit Games champion.


Annie Thorisdottir, a two-time CrossFit Games champion, is arguably the most famous woman in CrossFit. She is often referred to as the “Fittest Woman on Earth,” and for a good reason. Annie's career has been nothing short of impressive. She has competed at the highest level of the sport, setting multiple records and inspiring women worldwide.


Annie Thorisdottir's success has paved the way for other women to excel in CrossFit. She won the CrossFit Games twice and finished in the top five for seven consecutive years. Thorisdottir's success is a testament to her dedication and hard work. She has overcome injuries, setbacks, and intense competition to become the best in the world.


Annie advised, “Train your mind to see the good in everything.” For Annie Thorisdottir, part of the work to become the best female CrossFit athlete is mental. She advocates for enjoying what you do, even when it feels tough. That’s how you learn to love the struggle and to always come out on top.


Woman Gym ClassSource: Getty Images


2. Katrin Davidsdottir
Katrin Davidsdottir is another CrossFit Games champion who has inspired women worldwide. She won the CrossFit Games twice, in 2015 and 2016, and finished in the top ten for six consecutive years. Davidsdottir's success is a testament to her relentless pursuit of excellence.


When asked to give CrossFit ladies some advice, Katrin Davidsdottir said, “They are doing what they like, and what they like is probably what they are good at. Stick to the program to cover the full spectrum.”


What we can learn from Katrin Davidsdottir is the importance of working on your weaknesses. It gets easy when you only do what you’re good at, but this will prevent you from succeeding overall. CrossFit athletes need to be the best at the full spectrum.


3. Tia-Clair Toomey
Tia-Clair Toomey is the reigning CrossFit Games champion and a two-time Olympic weightlifter from Australia. Toomey's success in CrossFit and weightlifting is a testament to her incredible strength and determination.


“Nobody else can take you to the place you want to end up. You have to get there yourself.”

- Tia-Clair Toomey. This quote from Tia-Clair Toomey is powerful. From this, you can take away the importance of personal autonomy and discipline. It’s not enough to “want” it, you have to put in the work yourself.


4. Camille Leblanc-Bazinet
“My advice is very simple: If you want something, work your ass off for it.” Camille Leblanc-Bazinet, 2014 CrossFit Games Champion.


Camille Leblanc-Bazinet is a Canadian CrossFit athlete who won the CrossFit Games in 2014. She has also finished in the top ten at the Games for six consecutive years.


What we can learn from Camille Leblanc-Bazinet is the importance of being the hardest worker in the room (or should we say gym!). While some argue that the Icelandic female CrossFit athletes are dominating because of their genetic advantage, Camille Leblanc-Bazinet is committed to outworking everyone - innate advantage or not.


5. Kara Saunders
Kara Saunders is an Australian CrossFit athlete who has competed at the highest level of the sport. She has finished in the top ten at the CrossFit Games five times and is known for her incredible strength and endurance. She famously said, “The competition is not the enemy, Competition is opportunity. Don't ever confuse the two.”


This is an interesting take on competition. Many women compare themselves constantly to other women in the gym. This is true for women CrossFit athletes and for regular women who exercise. Comparison is not going to make you happy if you’re doubting yourself or putting yourself down. That’s why it’s vital that you change the way you view the competition - it’s an opportunity to prove yourself.


6. Samantha Briggs
Samantha Briggs is a British CrossFit athlete who won the CrossFit Games in 2013. She said in an interview, “I compete as I'm truly passionate about pushing my limits and seeing what is actually possible!”. This is a great example of her dedication to pushing herself to the limit. This shows the power of continuously challenging yourself to see what is possible.


Remember: You’ve Got This!


By embracing a mindset of constant growth and improvement, female weightlifters can break through self-imposed limitations and achieve new levels of strength and athleticism. This requires a willingness to step out of one's comfort zone, take risks, and embrace failure as a natural part of the learning process.


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